How to Keep Possums Away From Your Trash?

possum removal Melbourne

Do you often see that your trash cans are messed up with the remains of trash you discarded? It could be possums. They are notorious for their scavenging habits, and your trash can is a prime target. They love to play with your trash cans and eat whatever they find. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also attract other pests and pose health risks. Luckily, there are simple and effective ways to keep possums away from your trash and maintain a clean, pest-free environment. Before you call upon a possum removal expert to visit your home, make sure to read this blog.

Secure Your Trash Cans

First and foremost, you need to understand that possums are wild animals and do whatever they can. So, it’s always best to ensure your trash cans have tightly fitting lids that close securely. If your lids are broken, replace them with sturdy options. Consider using heavy-duty trash cans or adding weights to the top of your cans to make them harder for possums to tip over. You can also invest in latching lids or securing mechanisms to prevent possums from easily accessing the contents.

Cleanliness is Key

It’s a good idea to clean your trash cans regularly, both inside and out.  You can use a disinfectant cleaner to eliminate food smells that attract possums. Sprinkle baking soda or use odor-absorbing trash bags to neutralise smells and deter possums. Try to compost food scraps or properly dispose of them in sealed containers to avoid attracting possums.

Create a Deterrent Zone

If you are a gardener, try placing strong-smelling items like citrus peels, garlic, onions, or pepper flakes around your trash cans. Possums dislike these pungent odors. And, you can also consider installing motion-activated sprinklers near your trash bins. They can startle possums and prevent them from approaching.

If possums are persistent, a small fence around your trash cans can create a physical barrier. Possums are resourceful scavengers, but with a little effort, you can deter them from feasting on your trash. Remember, a little prevention goes a long way in keeping possums away from your trash.

These possum control tips can help the possums in control. However, if they still visit your property, consider calling possum pest control experts from Possum Removal Melbourne. For appointments, call us at 03 9021 3762 today.

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