Tag Archives: Possum Removal Melbourne

Are Possums A Winter Pest?

Yes, possums can be considered winter pests. While they are generally harmless creatures, their search for warmth and shelter during colder months often leads them into urban households. Due to many dynamic changes in the environment over the years, possums have chosen to reside in buildings, homes, sheds, and garages. They play a beneficial role […]

How To Prevent Possums from Entering Your Home in Winter?

possum removal melbourne

As the nights grow colder in Melbourne, many of us find ourselves yearning for cozy nights indoors. Unfortunately, there’s another group of creatures with the same idea – possums! These marsupials, while undeniably cute at times, can wreak havoc in your attic or crawl space if they manage to sneak inside. Fortunately, with the right […]

How Possum Removal Services Can Enhance Your Property’s Safety and Value?

Melbourne’s charm extends beyond its vibrant culture and stunning architecture. However, these same qualities can also attract unwanted guests – possums. While these furry marsupials might seem cute, their presence in your home can lead to a multitude of problems. When it comes to maintaining the safety and value of your property, possum removal might […]

How To Keep Your Home Unattractive For Possums?

possum removal

Possums are often seen as cute and harmless. But they can become quite a nuisance when they decide to make your property their home. These nocturnal marsupials are known for their destructive behaviours, such as damaging gardens, chewing through wiring, and creating noise at night. To avoid these issues, it’s crucial to take proactive steps […]

Things That Attract Possums to Your Property

possum removal

Do you find possums around your property? Then, proper care is a must to protect against the damage caused by possums. You can either call up a possum removal expert to get rid of them or DIY possum control steps to eliminate them. These nocturnal marsupials roam the streets and gardens of Melbourne, and can […]

How To Control Super-Active Possums In Melbourne?


Ever faced a possum problem? If not, you wouldn’t know the trouble and irritation they bring. Possums are nocturnal creatures often seen scurrying across Melbourne roofs and gardens, have a charm of their own. However, their charm quickly fades away when they invade our homes, creating noises, damage, and unwelcome disturbances. Super-active possums can particularly […]

Are Possums A Threat To Your Property?

possum control

Possums, with their endearing appearance, often deceive homeowners into underestimating the potential risks they pose to their properties. Yes, they can be a threat to your property. Their sharp claws and teeth can cause damage to insulation, wiring, and even structural elements. Additionally, their droppings can spread diseases. It’s important to take action if possums […]

The Possum Invasion: Understanding the Need for Effective Removal Strategies

Possums, with their furry appearance and playful demeanor, might seem adorable, but when they invade your property, they can quickly turn into a nuisance. These nocturnal creatures are known for their mischief, creating disturbances and causing damage to gardens, attics, and even electrical wiring. Understanding the importance of effective possum removal strategies is crucial in […]

Why should you hire a licensed possum removal company?

There are many kinds of pests found in Melbourne however there is something unique about possum and that, the Australian Government have deemed them as a protected specie and it is mandatory to follow certain rules and regulation while removing possums from your property. Having said that few people prefer to try DIY tricks to […]

Why Should You Remove Possums From Your Home?

Possums are wild animals. Though they appear cute and harmless, they shouldn’t be encouraged near your property for valid reasons. As you know, possums are omnivores and are always searching for food; they invade your home to get food and shelter. If you spot one or two near your property or driveway, call a possum […]

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